We’re glad you’re here! There’s a world of exclusive deals to make waiting just around the bend.
The IT-sector is a fast and dynamic market. That is why we look for the best prices in the market on a daily basis. We support ourselves in this with data from our suppliers as much as we can. As a registered supplier, you can make your prices and stock positions known in our online purchase tool.
Do you want to sell to us?
Are you able to supply is with the best prices in the market? When you sign up as a supplier you get access to our daily list of products and you can provide us with the best prices. When you give us the best price in the market, you can sell to us today!
How does it work?
First register as a supplier of Complies. After you have received the login details, you can log in to our portal. Every morning our buyers will list the products they need in the portal. Enrich the list with your prices and indicate how many pieces are available. When you offer the best price or delivery conditions, our buyers will place an order with you.
Within the portal we have also mentioned useful tips in the documentation so that you can automatically send from Excel or LibreOffice to our portal.
So from now on grab a cup of coffee every morning, visit the portal, list your best price and sell!
CSV datafeed
In addition to our portal, we also offer our suppliers the option to automatically upload your assortment in our tool. The most easy way is to supply us with a CSV file containing all yours prices and stock positions. Our buyers will then also see your products during the search and this increases the chance for you to sell even more.
- The feed must be retrievable via HTTP, HTTPS or FTP: HTTPS preferred.
- If the protocol is HTTPS, it must have a valid signed certificate and not be self-signed.
- The data must be retrievable quickly. In any case within 2 minutes.
- The data must be retrievable via a direct link. We use the cURL tool for this.
- The format must be in CSV: see below.
The field names are case sensitive and the field type must match the table below.
Fieldname | Required | Type |
Suppliercode | Yes | text, Internal SKU, or otherwise the same manufacturercode. |
Manufacturer | No | text |
Manufacturercode | Yes | text, Manufacturer SKU. |
EAN | Yes | text |
Stock | Yes | number, >= 0 |
Price | Yes | float, > 0.0 |
Warranty | No | text |
Weight | No | text, weight with a unit (grams, KG, etc). |
Height | No | text, dimension with a unit (cm, inch, etc). |
Length | No | text, dimension with a unit (cm, inch, etc). |
Shopimage | No | text, URL to image. |
Shoplink | No | text, URL to item on shop. |
Title | Yes | text |
Description | No | text, long description, preferably without HTML. |
Category | No | text, category, multiple categories can be separated by a /. |
ETA | No | date, estimated delivery date. |
!! No refurbished items in the list, only new.
Mandatory for a correct link
- Manufacturer code or EAN required, but preferably both.
- Accurate stock quantity (so no text such as "yes", "no" or 999).
- Price > 0.0.
- Price excluding VAT.
- Price excluding freight costs.
- Price in euros.
- Price for graduated quantity 1.
CSV format
The CSV must comply with the RFC standard as much as possible:
- The fields must be ;-separated.
- The text-encoding must be UTF-8, without Byte-Order-Marker (BOM).
- Values of prices must be international: decimals are separated with a dot ('.').
- Dates must be: yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS. Possibly including time zone or without time zone in UTC.
- Correctly escape text fields with for example " or newlines: see CSV standard.
- Please state this in case of any deviation from this format.
- Please state whether the feed is real-time or is updated in an interval.
- If the feed is not updated in real-time, please state which times it is updated.
Do you have questions about how our portal works? Please contact our buyers via purchase@complies.nl or give us a call at +31 (0)592 340 350 (option 4). We are happy to help you!